Tag Archives: Romance

Avelynn on The Reading Frenzy

Happy Book Birthday Avelynn

Fun interview over on The Reading Frenzy! Here’s a sneak peek…

Marissa I personally can’t wait to read the novel.
Tell me something that will probably surprise me as I’m reading it.

Avelynn is petite. I imagine her around 5’4”, which is no coincidence, since I am rather vertically challenged myself, but like Avelynn, I project myself taller than I really am. In my mind, I’m six feet tall. My friend once said I was a pit bull in a Jack Russell’s body. And honestly, unless I’m flanked by really tall people, I am utterly convinced of my fantasy height—well, until I have to get something down from the top shelf in my kitchen. Humbling. 😉

Check out the full blog post for more!

In gratitude,

Marissa xo

Winners of the #LOLHop

Drumroll please, we have our Rafflecopter Winners!


Our Grand Prize Kindle, accompanied by our labors of love goes to…Donna Raye!

Our $35 Amazon or B&N Gift card Runner-up queen is…Ellen Beck.

And our $25 Amazon or B&N Gift card princess is…Gayle Diamond!

Huge congrats to all three lucky ladies!


As for my own giveaway, I couldn’t decide! Everyone had such awesome answers, so I had to get some help with List Randomizer.

Here then is the winner of a $5.00 Amazon Gift Card… Marissa (not me really, another awesome Marissa)!

Congratulations name buddy!

In gratitude,

Marissa xo

Gambling on Margaret Madigan

TOMORROW, ladies and gentlemen, Avelynn releases tomorrow! 😀

And you know we are going to have one hell of a party! Join me for Avelynn’s Facebook Launch Party. It’s all online!

To help me celebrate my release day, here’s another one of my fabulous author friends Margaret Madigan​


And here’s a little something about Margaret’s sexy book: Gambling on the Outlaw


Beth Caldwell is no man’s property. A gambler’s widow with a willful, independent streak, she’s already courting trouble after rejecting an offer of marriage from a foul-tempered and land-hungry cattle baron. But when Beth discovers a handsome outlaw hiding in her barn, she lands in a whole new heap of trouble…

Isaac Collins survived the Civil War only to find himself scapegoated for stagecoach robbery and murder. With nothing left to lose, he gambled everything on revenge and barely escaped with his life. Now he’s relying on the kindness of a fierce, strong-willed woman…and God help him if there isn’t something both sweet and forbidden simmering between them.

But Beth’s rejected suitor is no gentleman. He’ll do whatever it takes to get her land. And in Nevada, everything rides on a high-stakes game of chance…especially love and death.

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For more information about Margaret’s books, visit her Amazon Author Page

Or Follow her on Facebook

You can eMeet Margaret when she takes over Avelynn’s Party tomorrow!

In gratitude,

Marissa xo

Hitting the Studs with Liv Rancourt

TWO more days everyone! Only two more days until Avelynn’s Publication Birthday! *cue happy dance*

Helping me celebrate are some pretty amazing authors, and today I would like to introduce you to Liv Rancourt​!

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Not only is King Stud our romance novel of the month in my book club: Brooklin Moms Wine and Book Lovers, it’s also $0.99 on Amazon for 2 days only!

Here’s a little about King Stud:


The hardest part of any remodel is avoiding the studs…


Danielle’s got three months to make her Grandmother’s rundown Craftsman house livable. Her game plan is to get in, get grubby, and get back home to L.A. She needs a carpenter, and her best friend’s younger brother is a good one. It’s hard to ignore the buffed body under Ryan’s paint-splattered sweatshirts, but her friend declares he’s off-limits so Danielle reluctantly agrees.

Ryan doesn’t have the cleanest record, anyway. His recently ex-ed girlfriend wants him back, and he has a reputation for brawling. He’s also had a crush on Danielle since he was a kid. Despite their nine-year age difference, he knows she’s worth pursuing.

Soon the paint under Danielle’s fingernails starts feeling more natural than the L.A. sunshine. She’ll have to navigate plumbing disasters, money problems, and one seriously cranky best friend to find something she hasn’t had before: a real home, and a man who loves her.

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To find out more about all of Liv’s books, visit her Amazon Author Page

Or follow her on Facebook

Don’t forget to pop into Avelynn’s Facebook Launch Party to eMeet Liv when she takes over!

In gratitude,

Marissa xo

Going CRAZE y with Anne Conley

There are only an unbelievable THREE days until Avelynn is released! EEEeeep!

And you know I’ve got lots of amazing friends to help me celebrate! Please give a warm welcome to today’s guest author, the wonderful Anne Conley​!

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Here’s a little about Anne’s book: CRAZE (which just happens to be on sale for $0.99 right now!)


When Krista catches her boss doing the unthinkable, the only thing she can do is run. Straight into the arms of the eye-candy she’s been trying not to flirt with on her lunch break. But whose side is he on?

Ryan’s security firm is having a hard time getting off the ground, and this may be just the job to help the company out. But pseudo-bounty hunter isn’t really what Pierce Securities is trying to get a name for. When he finds out their target is the classy lady from the park, all of Ryan’s senses go on high alert. What do these men want with her?

Krista is forced into Ryan’s sanctuary in the woods, where she realizes just how wild he is, but she doesn’t want to tame him. He may feel his methods of protection endangered her, but without Krista in his life, Ryan is crazed.

portrait of young caucasian couple on gray
portrait of young caucasian couple on gray

sale craze

For more information about all of Anne’s books (and to nab CRAZE) check out her Amazon Author Page

Or follow her on Facebook

Don’t forget to pop into Avelynn’s Facebook Launch Party to eMeet Anne when she hosts a take over!

In gratitude,

Marissa xo

Nola Sarina's Passion in the Darkness

Realizing I missed a day somewhere along the way, today is really and truly the four day Countdown to Avelynn! So…. Ahem. Let’s try that again.

OMG only 4 days till Avelynn’s release! 😀 5 Sleeps! And today we are celebrating another amazing guest author! Please give a round of applause to Nola Sarina​! *cue ruckus clapping*

Nola Sarina Headshot

Here’s a little about Nola’s books:

Nola Sarina’s VESPER series tells three twisted tales of heat, terror, and passion in the darkness.

All Three

A woman’s memory returns when she falls in love with the monster who stole it from her in GILDED DESTINY.

Tormented by the branding scars on her back and broken memories of her fallen creator, Three must learn to trust the two men she loves in JADED TOUCH.

And coming soon: PHANTOM NIGHTS, the third instalment in the VESPER series.


To find out more about her scintillating books, visit her Amazon Author Page

Or follow her on Facebook

Don’t forget to pop into Avelynn’s Facebook Launch Party where you can eMeet Nola as she takes over!

Can’t wait for the 8th!

In gratitude,

Marissa xo

Avelynn is #LOLHop Blogging

From sweet to dark, divas of romance work their fingers to the bone for your reading pleasure in the Labor of Love Bloghop from 9/4-9/6. Come join me and enter to win a Kindle with new, heart-pounding titles just for you!

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Happily ever afters only come after heart-breaking work, and this Labor Day weekend, we are celebrating our written labors of love by giving our readers a chance to win a brand-spankin’ new Kindle with our personal bests. That’s right, you could win all of our books! (There are 28 authors taking part in this blog hop! That’s one loaded Kindle!)
Aren’t you excited? We are! So here’s your chance, just click the link below to enter our giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

When you’re done reading all about Avelynn, keep scrolling down and ‘HOP’ over to the other participating blogs for more chances to win!

Avelynn is my debut historical romance novel, and it’s releasing this week! On September 8th, my book baby hits the world. I’m so excited to share this labor of love with you!

One extraordinary Saxon noblewoman and her fearless Viking warrior find passion and danger in this dazzling and sensuous debut


Coming September 8th, 2015, St. Martin’s Press:

869. For eighteen years, Avelynn, the beautiful and secretly pagan daughter of the Ealdorman of Somerset, has lived in an environment of love, acceptance, and equality. Somerset has flourished under twenty years of peace. But with whispers of war threatening their security, Avelynn’s father makes an uncompromising decision that changes her life forever.

Forced into a betrothal with Demas, a man who only covets her wealth and status, Avelynn’s perception of independence is shattered. With marriage looming, she turns to her faith, searching for answers in an ancient ritual along the coast, only to find Alrik The Blood-Axe and sixty Viking berserkers have landed.

In a year of uncertainty that sees Avelynn discover hidden powers, stumble into a passionate love affair with Alrik, and lead men into battle, Avelynn must walk a fine line as her deceptions mount and Demas’ tactics to possess her become more desperate and increasingly brutal.

Avelynn and Alrik are caught in the throes of fate as they struggle to find the way back to themselves and onwards to each other.


A Tantalizing Excerpt

A coarse, bloodcurdling shout reverberated through the mist. The drum silenced. I froze. My heart took up a thunderous beat as if a thousand starlings’ wings beat in my chest. Something was terribly wrong. I turned my gaze to the sea, frantically scanning the swirling, ebbing mass of gray, willing the mist to lift.

Shades and shadows melted away. The outline of a Viking ship materialized before my eyes. A blood-red sail pierced the gloom, a black bird emblazed upon the fabric. A beast of a man ran toward me, a painted shield in one hand, an axe in the other. He stepped over the circle and grabbed my arms. I could smell the fetid reek of his breath, the unwashed sweat and sea spray on his filthy clothes. I screamed. He snarled, covered my mouth, and thrust me to the ground. I kicked and thrashed as he fumbled one-handed with the drawstring on his trousers.
Then he stopped, a look of surprise etched in his wide eyes. Blood sputtered out of his mouth, and he fell sideways. I scrambled back as his body twitched, my breath ragged. An axe was stuck fast in his spine.

I screamed again as another Viking appeared before me. Taller than Glastonbury Tor, he wore a silver helmet with nose and cheek guards and full mail. The same black bird as on the ship’s sail stretched its wings across the battered wooden surface of his shield. A sword and a knife, cradled in their scabbards, hung from a leather belt on his waist. He grabbed one of the dead Viking’s feet and hauled him out of the circle. He jerked the axe free of the body and tucked the weapon into a sling that hung on his back.

I found my feet, spinning to discover the extent of my trouble. Were there more invaders? Did the Viking know I was alone with no chance of aid? Were his men scoping the surrounding area even now? Did they find our campsite with only two horses and two bedrolls? Where was Bertram?

The Viking looked down at the circle drawn in the sand and bowed. With his body still bent, he raised his head, blue eyes regarding me. “I apologize for the disruption to your ritual, Seiðkana,” he said, speaking in the Norse tongue.

I narrowed my eyes at him. Seiðkana? I wasn’t sure of the translation of the word, but I thought it meant witch.

“Who are you?” I asked in Norse, earning a look of shock.

“I am Alrik the Bloodaxe, your servant.”

If I’ve whetted your appetite for more, you can pre-order Avelynn today!




BONUS: Comment on the post below and answer me this: If you had a time machine, where would you go and why?

Coolest answer (picked by moi) will win a $5.00 Amazon gift card! 

I’ll announce the winner on 9/7.

2015_8 Labor of Love hop_D2 copy

Thank you for join joining our Labor of Love Blog Hop. To see who’s participating, click the link below and work your way through our participating authors for more chances to win!

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Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list…

Rachael Stapleton has a Curse

There are only four more days until Avelynn’s release. I’m getting just a wee bit excited! 😉

September 8th, is going to be all about the party! And to help me celebrate the launch, I’ve gathered some amazing friends. Please help me welcome Rachael Stapleton​ to the page!


Here’s a little about Rachael’s latest release, Curse of the Purple Delhi Sapphire:

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Sophia Marcil hasn’t escaped her destiny or the mad-man hunting her but she’s doing her best to evade both and make a life in Ireland with Cullen—the one person she can count on to pull her out of deep water.
There’s just one problem, despite his connection, she hasn’t told him the truth of her time travel, and her reality comes crashing down as he proposes with the very sapphire that’s cursed her.

Before she knows it, she’s wandering the hallway of an old Victorian house in the body of her great aunt. Unfortunately, her nemesis has also reincarnated in 1920—as one of her family members, and she struggles to locate the Purple Delhi Sapphire in time to prevent the deaths of those she loves.

When she fails and returns to her present-day life, she’s forced to confront the fact that her killer’s soul will always be tied to the sapphire, and in every life she has he will be resurrected as someone close to her. Her biggest question—who is he now?

She doesn’t have to wonder for very long before she finds evidence that has her questioning everything she thought she knew.

Find more about Rachael’s books on her website

Or follow her on Facebook

Don’t forget to join the party! Meet Rachael at Avelynn’s Facebook Party

Did I mention prizes… there will be lots of prizes. 😀

In gratitude,

Marissa xo