Tag Archives: The Reading Frenzy

Avelynn on The Reading Frenzy

Happy Book Birthday Avelynn

Fun interview over on The Reading Frenzy! Here’s a sneak peek…

Marissa I personally can’t wait to read the novel.
Tell me something that will probably surprise me as I’m reading it.

Avelynn is petite. I imagine her around 5’4”, which is no coincidence, since I am rather vertically challenged myself, but like Avelynn, I project myself taller than I really am. In my mind, I’m six feet tall. My friend once said I was a pit bull in a Jack Russell’s body. And honestly, unless I’m flanked by really tall people, I am utterly convinced of my fantasy height—well, until I have to get something down from the top shelf in my kitchen. Humbling. 😉

Check out the full blog post for more!

In gratitude,

Marissa xo