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And in case you’re curious as to who am I and what I’m about, I have collected some fascinating facts for your reading pleasure:
The A – Z of ME. 😀
Age: I plead the fifth. 😀 However, I will say that with three children, the youngest of which is now in university, it’s getting harder and harder to convince people I’m 29 and holding.
Bed size: King size Tempur-Pedic Cloud. One might call me a princess, (specifically the one who’s sleeping downfall was due to a mere pea), since I notice every wrinkle, spring, divot and pucker. After sleeping on a queen size pillow-top mattress for years, feeling every toss and turn, I cannot begin to tell you how awesome this bed is! I miss it and think of it longingly when I’m away. I love this mattress.
Chore that you hate: Oh, let me count the ways: cooking, cleaning, laundry…. no one will accuse me of lying about the prowess of my domestic skills.
Dogs: I love all animals but happen to have an adorable (albeit slightly crazy) golden retriever named Ireland.
Essential start to your day: On the weekends, I indulge in a blissful cup of chai latte, sprinkled with cinnamon. During the week, you’ll find me pouring through a box of Red Rose Orange Pekoe tea. But, no matter the day, every cup is accompanied by a decadent square of 85 per cent dark chocolate.
Favorite colour: You know what? I don’t have one. I love deep wine burgundies and striking azure blues, soothing tranquil greens and bright cheerful yellows. I gravitate to colours depending on my mood.
Gold or Silver: I love them both, but at the moment I’m wearing white gold.
Height: 5’2”. I used to be 5’ 1 ¾”, but thanks to my years teaching yoga, I’ve gained that extra ¼ of an inch, which when you’re this vertically challenged, every fraction of an inch counts!
Instruments you play: I used to play the piano, and I can still tickle the ivories now and then. I played flute in band.
Job title: I am currently a Communications Coordinator for the Alzheimer Society.
Kids: Love the little suckers. Happen to have three of them. All boys.
Live: In Ontario, Canada.
Mother’s name: Carol.
Nicknames: In high school, I used to go by the nickname Marc.
Overnight hospital stays: When I was young, I had pneumonia and had to hangout in an oxygen tent for a while. As a teenager, I got my eyes operated on, which was both freaky and cool knowing my eyeballs had been plucked out of their sockets and placed on a little table in front of me while they diced and sliced. As a young mom of three little boys (my youngest was only two years old at the time) I was misdiagnosed as having a life-threatening, cancerous tumor, which resulted in emergency abdominal surgery and the biggest scare of my life. Upon further inspection, they discovered it was merely a cyst which ruptured when they opened me up. I continue to count my blessings.
Pet peeves: Picking on an underdog. Bullying of any kind. Judgments.
Quote from a movie: Does the family farting scene in The Nutty Professor count? (So funny!)
Right or left handed: Right handed.
Siblings: One brother who lives near Boston with his beautiful wife and my niece and nephew.
Travel: My first ever vacation was to Cartagena, Columbia. I went there after watching Romancing the Stone and thought, ‘Wow, what a cool place to visit!’ The reality: the plane was small, the turbulence was insane, and armed militia prowled the airport. Plus, I got deathly ill. I could tell you how many tiles there were in that bathroom in the hotel room–I got to know them intimately. After that delightful experience, it took twenty years to get me back on a plane. Since then I have been to Aruba (my favourite) Curacao and Bahamas.
Underwear: Big fan of them, though (perhaps this is TMI) I only wear thongs, of which my favourite is a style I like to call ‘nonederwear,’ since you can’t see any VPLs and they are as nonexistent and thin as silk. I used to teach yoga, so… lots of yoga pants. These came in handy and I just never gave them up!
Vegetable you hate: Kind of like the cleaning question earlier. Not a big fan. I once went to a hypnotist to try and get hypnotized into liking them… didn’t really work. Years later, however, I can munch on lettuce (not arugula—blech) and baby spinach covered in tasty salad dressing. I can also now enjoy cooked sweet peppers, mushrooms, zucchini, cauliflower and carrots—provided they are made at a restaurant because they don’t really taste like normal vegetables. The chefs do something magical with them in their kitchens that make them almost pleasant. Everything else is pretty much a no go.
What makes you run late: When I was younger… EVERYTHING. Time and I had a unique relationship. I thought there was more of it than there really was, and it went way faster than it really should. My friends knew to expect me fashionable late for all social events. Fortunately, I’ve matured and have a healthy respect for both my time and that of others. I’m also acutely aware now of how quickly time flies when we look backward and how precious it is in the present. Now, you’ll always find me on time and on task, and perhaps maybe even slanting toward the impatient with those that are not. Oh, how the times have changed. ;P
X-Rays you’ve had: Brain, wrist, back, and a CT scan of my abdomen (hence the misdiagnosis).
Yummy food: Now we’re talking! Cakes, pies, cookies, tarts, squares, bread, pasta…I’m an all white flour, all white sugar kind of girl. *BUT* I am now gluten free, which breaks my poor white-flour heart. I’ve learned to make some pretty kick-ass gluten free cakes, cupcakes, and cookies though. So, it’s still all about the dessert. 😉
Zodiac sign: I’m a cusp baby–half Capricorn, half Aquarius. So, one half of me wants to constantly break the rules and the other half needs to maintain law and order. It’s an entertaining dynamic and leads to enlightening adventures. 😀
My Official Bio:

Marissa Campbell has built an outstanding career in communications.
To date, she has published four books (including internationally with the Avelynn series) and written for several publications, including Brooklin Town Crier, Today’s Parent and East of the City. She also co-authored the award-winning self-help book Life: Living in Fulfillment Every Day.
Taking her innate curiosity and passion for new experiences to the next level, Campbell graduated Top of Class from Durham College’s Public Relations Advanced Diploma program in 2019 and is currently working as a Communications Coordinator at Evolution Mining Red Lake Operations in northwestern Ontario.
As a communications professional with over 15 years experience, she also taught copywriting at Durham College to PR and strategic communications students.
Campbell has been a long-time member and past president of the Writers’ Community of Durham Region and is a proud member of the International Association of Business Communicators, Historical Novel Society and Romance Writers of America.
In her spare time, she can often be found curling up with a good book, sharing a bottle of red wine with friends or scouring Netflix for her next binge-watching marathon.
Hey Marissa, I don’t have your email addy (on WCDR board) but wondered if you’d be interested/willing to write a short piece for the OWC’s September newsletter – something like ‘Journey to Success: find your strengths, put them to work; make time for writing; organization? Feedback?’ (esp with the new book coming out in early Sept thru St. Martins Press)? Pls let me know…thanks so much, Barb
Absolutely! Sent you a PM. 🙂
In gratitude,
Marissa xo
Hi! Just finished reading “Avelynn” and I absolutely LOVED it!! But it was more than just the book. Your acknowledgments at the beginning really touched something in me, especially the part about “living your most passionate life.” My wife and I live just outside Boston and are going through some difficulties right now-health issues; she is preparing to undergo bariatric surgery shortly after the first of the year-and your words of encouragement really lifted me out of a very long funk (yes, I know that word-I’m a child of the ’60’s and a professional guitarist/singer song writer to boot!). I simply wanted to say a heartfelt thank you for writing such an amazing book and for your words of hope. Peace and Love.
Hi Michael,
Thank you so much for reaching out to me! I am thrilled you liked the book, and I’m deeply honoured my words moved you. I hope everything goes well for your wife and that you both come through this next year stronger. Wishing you abundance, health, happiness, and passion. And for the record, I dig Wild Cherry, so funk is all right in my books. <3
In gratitude,
Marissa xo
I just finished reading “Avelynn” and I really liked it. When I met you on 14 November for an autograph, I had just started the book. I told you at that time that my first language was French and in the first few pages there were some words that I had to search to find the right definition; however I really enjoyed it because the vocabulary you used was the old English or I mean the way the would have talk then. Also, between my reading time, I watched the TV series Vikings (the 3 seasons), which it was good reference with your historical novel. I loved the main characters, Avelynn is so brave and her handsome caring viking Alrick. They make a great couple. With the ending and now that I know that you are working on Avelynn #2, I can’t wait to read it.
Hi Sylvie!
I’m so glad you enjoyed Avelynn! I remember speaking with you and am thrilled you were able to get swept up in the story. I LOVE the Viking series. The new season starts on February 18th. I can’t wait.
Avelynn #2 is on my agent’s desk. After that, it’s off to the publisher. Hopefully the wait won’t be too long. 😀
In gratitude,
Marissa xo
I just finished reading Avelynn. I met you in Kitchener at chapters just as you were finishing your book signing. I like Avelynn ‘s headstrong attitude. Once in to the second half of the boom I could not put it down.
Hi, Heather!
I’m so glad you enjoyed Avelynn! I had a lot of fun writing our heroine. She was feisty and independent right from the start. She truly was a joy to write. She’s such an amazing character, and I can’t wait to see where her adventures take her! Lots more to come. 😀
In gratitude,
Marissa xo
Just finished Avelynn. Loved it. So glad to see you are continuing her story. Can’t wait.
Thank you so much for reaching out, Martha!
I’m so glad you enjoyed Avelynn. 😀
I’m eager to get Avelynn2 into readers’ hands. Stay tuned!
In gratitude,
Marissa xo
Let me know when Avelnn 2 is ready,please. At first the sex scenes were a little strong for me because I’ve been reading juvenile literature but I think you were very careful with them and it was great. After all I am 62. Thanks I loved your book. Bonnie
Hi, Bonnie!
What a wonderful note. I’m so glad you enjoyed Avelynn! I tried to be very sensual in the sex scenes, as opposed to graphic, so I’m glad you were able to navigate them. A little spice is fun at any age. 😉
Avelynn2 will be released this Fall 2016! While there will still be some sexy scenes, there will also be lots of conflict and drama for our darling heroine to get entangled with. I posted a sneak peek at the back cover blurb on my blog recently, in case you’re curious what book 2 will be all about.
Thanks again for reaching out, and I look forward to hearing what you think of the second book in the series!
In gratitude,
Marissa xo