Tag Archives: Liv Rancourt

Hitting the Studs with Liv Rancourt

TWO more days everyone! Only two more days until Avelynn’s Publication Birthday! *cue happy dance*

Helping me celebrate are some pretty amazing authors, and today I would like to introduce you to Liv Rancourt​!

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Not only is King Stud our romance novel of the month in my book club: Brooklin Moms Wine and Book Lovers, it’s also $0.99 on Amazon for 2 days only!

Here’s a little about King Stud:


The hardest part of any remodel is avoiding the studs…


Danielle’s got three months to make her Grandmother’s rundown Craftsman house livable. Her game plan is to get in, get grubby, and get back home to L.A. She needs a carpenter, and her best friend’s younger brother is a good one. It’s hard to ignore the buffed body under Ryan’s paint-splattered sweatshirts, but her friend declares he’s off-limits so Danielle reluctantly agrees.

Ryan doesn’t have the cleanest record, anyway. His recently ex-ed girlfriend wants him back, and he has a reputation for brawling. He’s also had a crush on Danielle since he was a kid. Despite their nine-year age difference, he knows she’s worth pursuing.

Soon the paint under Danielle’s fingernails starts feeling more natural than the L.A. sunshine. She’ll have to navigate plumbing disasters, money problems, and one seriously cranky best friend to find something she hasn’t had before: a real home, and a man who loves her.

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To find out more about all of Liv’s books, visit her Amazon Author Page

Or follow her on Facebook

Don’t forget to pop into Avelynn’s Facebook Launch Party to eMeet Liv when she takes over!

In gratitude,

Marissa xo