Tag Archives: adventure

Avelynn 3: Could This Be The Beginning?

This scene came out of nowhere, and apparently, I had to jot it down. And… it’s in Alrik’s POV. #Interesting

Could this be the beginning of Avelynn 3?

Alrik ran his hand along the worn rail, the wood cool and wet, the mist blanketing the hull in a shroud of silence. They’d all know of his betrayal and exile. Raven’s Blood skulked like a wounded dog, her numbers greatly reduced from her altercations in Wales, though no one would be fool enough to think her crippled. At close to fifty crew, she was still formidable, but dissent and bitterness trailed the aft like a festering dung heap. Those looking would smell it a hundred knots away.

“How much longer?” Tollak leaned his hip against the steering board—the rudder as useless as the compass stone since the fog descended and they’d dropped anchor.

Alrik ran a hand through his hair. There was no splitting the veil. “Another day, perhaps?” 

At the least the sea rolled quiet. Despite the otherworldly chill, he’d gladly take fog over a tempest. He glanced around the crew. “How many?”

Tollak frowned. “At least half.”

Alrik nodded. That was to be expected. At least twenty men would stand by him, offering protection for the ship and Avelynn. It would be a good number to present to his uncle Rurik in Novgorod, if he accepted them. Only the Gods knew their fate. The rest of the men would return home to Gotland and Sweden. They owed him nothing.

In gratitude,

Marissa xo


Vegan Experiment

As the Yes Woman, I’m always up for a new adventure. This time around, I’m delving into the world of plant-based eating. To help me through this bizarre terrain, I signed up for a four week transition program. One of the serious bonuses to this particular journey is having one meal a day prepared by The Copper Branch. 

Here’s a peek at some of the awesome offerings I’ve had the opportunity to sample:

This was a delicious Quinoa bowl.

A tofu scrambled sandwich (gluten free bread)

Really yummy Quinoa chilli.

Shiitake Teryaki Sandwich. So good.

For a girl who’s not terribly fond of vegetables, this has been an incredible discovery of new tastes and options.

Stay tuned for more!

In gratitude,

Marissa xo

Yes Woman!

I’m one of those busy types who doesn’t like to sit still. I love having my fingers in many different pies because I tend to get bored easily. When I’m not working on novels, I need something else to dabble in.

Currently, I’m an author, yoga instructor, mom of three amazing kids, and bartender-in-training… I mean, why not?

My latest gig, however, is that of the Yes Woman.

I love adventure, and I enjoying experiencing new things (unless it involves vegetables). Couple that with the whole ‘I-hate-being-bored’ thing, and I’ve created a recipe for fun. I rarely say no to new adventures… unless it involves the aforementioned vegetables, or spiders, or risk of death, then I’ll totally say no. Otherwise, I’m pretty much game for anything.

Recently, I was offered the opportunity to take that concept to a new level. In conjunction with the local paper, The Brooklin Town Crier, I have been visiting businesses in the area and writing about my experiences. A little bit of humour sprinkled with a dash of innocent exploration and the Yes Woman Column was born!

I’m thrilled to be able to share these entertaining articles with you.

For your reading pleasure, here’s the first article to whet your appetite for more:

Boot Camp Diva

“Misty Mozejko, RHN and owner at 10,000 Strong: A nutrition and fitness revolution, wants everyone to know that “no matter where you are in life—fitness or otherwise—you can do it.” This in response to the cringe worthy fear the words boot camp elicit. I should know, since I was cowering in my sneakers the day I showed up for my first Yes Woman experience.

Things you should know up front about me. I’m a diva. I admit this freely. I like soft, cushy, yummy things. I’m not afraid of hard work, and I’ll get out there when push comes to shove, with as much gusto and commitment as anyone, but when there’s no pushing or shoving, I’m happy to relax, curl up with a good book… maybe nap. The very words ‘boot camp’ fly in the face of this time-honoured tradition of laziness, so when The Brooklin Town Crier asked me to don my workout clothes and get my game on, I admit, I whimpered….”

Read the full article on page 5 of the October 7th issue of The Brooklin Town Crier here!

Here’s a photo of me getting my boot camp on:

Yes Woman Boot Camp

In gratitude,

Marissa xo

Counting Down with Author Rachael Stapleton

As you know, I am having a Cover Reveal Countdown Party on Facebook this Sunday, March 8th, 2015 for my debut historical fiction AVELYNN. I’ve invited lots of wonderful friends to join me. They will be answering questions and giving away free books! The fun starts at 12:00pm EST and goes all day until 8:00pm!

Pop in to the party between 5:00pm – 6:00pm EST and meet Author Racheal Stapleton!


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The Temple of Indra Series

Book One: The Temple of Indra’s Jewel

Book Two: Curse of the Purple Delhi Sapphire

Rachael Stapleton

Genre: Mystery, Adventure, Time Travel Romance

Series Description: As a librarian, Sophia Marcil loved reading, especially books about ancient curses and reincarnation, but she never imagined the legend of the Purple Delhi Sapphire was true until she inherited her Great Grandmother’s ring and was transported back to a past life. Now she knows that not only is reincarnation real, but so is the madman chasing her through time.

Book One Trailer: http://goo.gl/6vtX2r

Book Two Trailer: http://youtu.be/VCeG9eA09Fg


About the Author: Rachel Stapleton spent her youth cultivating a vivid imagination inside the book lined walls of an old Victorian library where she consumed everything from mystery to biography, creating magical worlds, hidden elevators, and secret spiral staircases. At sixteen, she penned a column for the local newspaper and in 2006, wrote her first book featuring an adventurous librarian. She now lives in a Second Empire Victorian with her husband and two children in Ontario and enjoys writing in the comforts of aged wood and arched dormers. She is the author of The Temple of Indra’s Jewel, Curse of the Purple Delhi Sapphire and is currently working on the third and most likely final book in the Temple of Indra series.

Send Rachael some love! Subscribe to her website and follow her on social media.









As part of my new risk taking adventure … I set up an appointment to colour my hair. I am very partial to my long hair, so cutting it was not an option, but I thought perhaps I could colour it, change in baby steps. I took a photo—the before photo—and prepared for my trip to the hair salon.

The before picture
The before picture

I talked with the hair stylist, asked about colour choices, and decided on red. I went strawberry blonde about fifteen years ago and it was a blast. Something about having red hair made me bolder, brasher. I liked it. 🙂

But when I considered the arduous journey back to blonde, my feet started to grow colder. Colour doesn’t damage the hair as much as bleach. So, to put the colour on, to go red, wouldn’t destroy my hair, but what if I didn’t like it? What if I grew tired of being a redhead? The trip back to blonde was fraught with dangers.

First, to bleach a whole head of hair wouldn’t be advisable. I would have to take large sections of my hair and highlight them blonde over a series of applications. Once every six weeks. Eventually, most of my head would be blonde, the remainder of the red would have faded considerably. The problem is of course, they cannot match my natural colour. They could get close, but it wouldn’t be the same. Plus all the bleaching would seriously damage and dry out the ends … leaving me the possibility of having to cut much of the ‘dead ends’ off. This could result in a serious trim, and like I mentioned, I definitely didn’t want to cut my hair.

That said, the honest and easiest approach was to cancel my hair appointment and keep things just the way they are. With me still blonde. 🙂

My next attempt at risk taking will be to try dirt biking … as in on a motorcycle … on a dirt trail …

In gratitude,

Marissa xo