Tag Archives: Vikings

Viking Glass and Avelynn2

An excerpt from #Aveynn2. Perhaps Avelynn would drink from a vessel such as these.

Viking Glass2

The smell of meat and broth filled the cottage with a warm robust scent, and my stomach growled. Over the hearth, a heavy iron cauldron rested on its tripod, a brew of thick bubbling stew simmered within. A platter of bread trenchers sat on the table. A jug of wine and two fine glass beakers had been set beside them. I smiled at Angharad’s thoughtfulness. I’d eaten little since I broke my fast this morning at St. Dogmael’s.

Viking Glass1

My photos from the #Viking Exhibit at the Canadian Museum of History #Ottawa

In gratitude,

Marissa xo

Avelynn: Behind the Scenes

I have a wild event planned for Uxbridge, Ontario on Saturday, March 5th!

I’ll be at Blue Heron Books from 2-4pm. And I’m bringing friends. 😀

Since I’m going to be signing copies of Avelynn, I wanted to showcase the rich historical detail outlined in the book. In order to do that, I needed Vikings.

So, I found some wonderful young men who were willing to hangout at the store on March 5th, shirtless, whilst handing out chocolate and posing with fans.

In anticipation of the event, I had a photo shoot to give everyone a little taste of what to look forward to. Here’s a little behind the scenes peek into what my Saturday night looked like.

Hope to see everyone at Blue Heron Books on March 5th!

Avelynn Photo Shoot Avelynn Photo Shoot 1 Avelynn Photo Shoot 3

Avelynn Photo Shoot

So much fun, I cannot wait until the 5th!

In gratitude,

Marissa xo

Avelynn Monster Swag Giveaway

As a huge thank you to all the wonderful people who have purchased a copy of Avelynn, I am running a Monster Avelynn Swag Giveaway!

You must have purchased a copy (either ebook or paperback) of Avelynn to enter. If you haven’t purchased your copy yet, the contest will stay open until December 31st. Lots of time to get in your Christmas shopping! 😀

Included in the prize lot: T-shirt (size medium or large), mug, mouse pad, notebook, pen, two bookmarks, and two Avelynn cover magnets.

Swag Giveaway Prize Lot (2)

Also included is a necklace with a Prosperity Rune engraved on the pewter pendant.

Swag Giveaway Pendant (2)

You can earn BONUS entries by posting a review to one of the book sites listed. Post to all 5 sites and earn an extra entry!

Good Luck!
To enter the contest click here: a Rafflecopter giveaway

Terms and conditions will apply. Contest open to North American Residents only. 🙂

In gratitude,

Marissa xo

The Good Martyr Edmund

New Historical Fiction

In my debut historical fiction, AVELYNN, we learn about a terrible Viking attack on East Anglia and the vicious killing of king Edmund. Here’s an excerpt:

Aelfgar cleared his throat and spoke louder. “Our king was seized from his hall and dragged behind the pagan’s horse to the forest’s edge. He was tied to a tree, stripped, beaten, and whipped until his back was flayed open.”

Whispers of outrage quivered through the room.

“Ivar then brought forth his best archers. He told them to make their mark anywhere as long as they did not inflict a fatal wound. Our goodly king was entirely covered with arrows, like the bristles of a hedgehog, yet he still lived.”

It would appear the good Martyr Edmund hadn’t quite forgiven the Vikings for his death if #3 Sweyn Forkbeard is any indication. 🙂

Have a peek at the Medievalists’ list of the shortest reigns of the middle ages.

In gratitude,

Marissa xo