Tag Archives: writing exercise

Last Sentence

Imagine you’re standing on a rooftop, and there is a crowd below waiting to hear you speak. You only have one sentence, and that will be the last words the world remembers you by. It can’t be a sentence someone else might say. It has to be your own voice. Something uniquely you. What would you say? This is my sentence. #writingexercise


A Distant Bell

A Distant Bell by Marissa Campbell
A Distant Bell by Marissa Campbell

Luggage shuffled along the ground, edges grating on the concrete platform. Couples laughing and talking—a constant hum in the background.

The fog had burned off the land. Only a hazy memory silhouetted the grey shadows of the forest beyond the station.

My palms were moist, and I wiped them again, pretending to smooth down the soft velour of my yellow dress.

I lifted sleepless eyes to the large clock overhead, roman numerals black against a worn circle. The heavy hand moved. A minute closer. I could almost hear the click as it inched nearer to eight.

I gazed down the empty tracks. People clustered near the edge, craning to look. We all waited.

Was that steam ahead? I stood, my heart pounding in my chest, each beat a second of the clock.

Anticipation rose in the air around me.

A distant bell. It’s clang striking my stomach, a deep resonance in my soul.

The bell grew louder. Steam puffed in the air.

He was coming.

This was my response to a writing prompt at a workshop I recently attended … perhaps there’s a story in here somewhere. Who is she? Who is the man she’s waiting for? I may have to finish the tale to find out!

In gratitude,

Marissa xo