Tag Archives: #Road2Publication


I want to start a movement based on positivity, community, support, and fellowship.


My vision revolves around three words:

Dream. Believe. Create

If you can dream it, believe in it, then create it.

Dream big. Dream with your whole heart.

Believe in yourself. Believe in your vision.

Create your own destiny. Create your happiness. Create your dream come true.

#Road2Publication is a tool to support authors and writers on their quest toward publication. Whether you’re seeking traditional or self publishing, we all have the same goal… for others to read our work. We might take many different paths to get there, but we are all on the same journey. I’d like to create a community of support where we lift each other up, share our experiences, and root each other on.

Talk about your successes. Share your obstacles. Ask questions. Find answers. Speak about your current WIP. Tell us about your process. Where are you on your #Road2Publication?

In gratitude,

Marissa xo