Tag Archives: Relentless Writers

THE END: A Commentary on Editing

Here’s a sneak peek at a post I wrote for Relentless Writers! Check it out to read the full article. xoxo

THE END: A Commentary on Editing by Marissa Campbell


Two of my favourite words. To a writer, they are the culmination of days, months, or years of blood, sweat, and tears. But they are misleading. We write them, sit back, and revel in our cleverness, in our determination, our grit, our savvy, our persistence, and our sheer magnificent brilliance. It could grace the page of a blog post, social media blast, short story, novella, screenplay, or novel. Writing THE END feels incredible, but it’s just another beginning. THE END is the start of EDITING.

I recently attended Bookapalooza, which is a really cool venue in my hometown where local authors get together and sell their wares. There were speakers and panels and celebrity guest authors. I was honoured to sit on a panel with fellow romance authors Molly O’Keefe and Mary Sullivan. These ladies are veterans. They’ve written a lot of books. They’ve been doing this a long time. Avelynn is my debut historical romance. I was the newb in the room, but they welcomed me with open arms. I was humbled and thrilled to sit at the table beside them. *girlie fan crush moment over* Back to my point: one of the audience members asked the panel a question, “What do you like better, writing or editing?”

Click here for the remainder of this fabulous article. 😀

In gratitude,

Marissa xo

Top Ten Ways to Test a Writer's Patience (or How to Drive a Writer Crazy)

This is part of an entertaining post that I wrote for Relentless Writers, a blog I contribute to monthly. To read the full article click here. 🙂

Top Ten Ways to Test a Writer's Patience

One of these things does not belong:

  • I am impatient
  • I am an extrovert
  • I require immediate gratification
  • I am an author


It is possible, given the traits listed above, that I couldn’t have picked a more ill-fitted career for myself than writing. In a previous post, it was duly noted that the publication process takes time, in fact, everything in the world of a writer takes time—lots and lots of time—and this got me thinking.

Here then, without further ado, are the:

Top Ten Ways to Test a Writer’s Patience

Or How to Drive a Writer Crazy

1. The WIP 


Writing takes forever!

2. Blog Posts

untitled (10)






Waiting for someone to read your blog.

3. Twitter







Watching your feed for retweets and replies.

4. Facebook






Why doesn’t anyone share?

Want to know steps 5 – 10 (plus a bonus)

click here and pop over to Relentless Writers to read the full post!

In gratitude,
