Tag Archives: Regina Glei

The Next Big Thing!

I am participating in a funky writers’ movement called The Next Big Thing, which provides a sampling of upcoming and recent novels. Each person tagged answers a series of interview questions and posts them on his/her blog or website while linking to other writers. Many thanks to Rachael Jackson who tagged me from her blog: http://rachaeljacksonthetempleofindrajewels.blogspot.ca/2013/01/the-next-big-thing.html Rachael is a lover of romance and historical fiction and is currently working on a wonderful novel comprising both. The Temple of Indra Jewels is a story of a young woman cursed by a mystical family heirloom. Destined to be murdered in each life by someone close to her, she is forced to travel through time, embodying her past lives in an attempt to find her killer. Thanks again for tagging me, Rachael. 🙂

Below, I’ve answered some questions about my novel, and at the end I direct you to two other authors that will tell you their story next week.

 1)      What is the working title of your next book?

Raven’s Blood

2)      Where did the idea come from for the book?

When I finished all of Diana Gabaldon’s books, I started reading every historical fiction I could get my hands on. It quickly became clear that I was searching for something specific. I needed a story with a strong, feisty heroine, a passionate love affair, and enough twists and turns to keep me guessing and my knuckles white throughout, so I decided to create that story and set it in a time and place in history that intrigued me—ninth century, England.

3)      What genre does your book fall under?

Raven’s Blood is a ninety-one thousand word historical romance with elements of fantasy (since my heroine is a pagan high priestess who dabbles in controlling the elements).

4)      What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?

Amanda Seyfried as Avelynn (heroine), Chris Hemsworth as Erik (Avelynn’s love interest), and Ryan Gosling, with black hair, as Demas (the protagonist). Seriously dreamy cast! 🙂

5)      What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

When Avelynn, the headstrong and fiercely independent daughter of a powerful earl, is forced into a betrothal with Demas, a man who only covets her wealth and status, she takes matters into her own hands, stumbling into a passionate love affair with Erik, a Viking—the sworn enemy of England, committing heresy by dabbling in pagan arts, and invoking the ire of several powerful men in the kingdom by leading men into battle, all the while walking a dangerous line as Demas’ tactics to possess her become more desperate and increasingly brutal.

6)      Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

I am currently shopping Raven’s Blood to agencies in North America, and the UK.

7)      How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?

From research to final edits, the process took two and a half years.

8)      What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

This is how I envision Raven’s Blood: The passionate love affair in The Outlander Series, by Diana Gabaldon, marries the gritty and violent story line of The Saxon Series, by Bernard Cornwell, merged with the beautiful language and imagery of Anya Seton.

9)      Who or what inspired you to write this book?

My love affair with the time period, my love of historical fiction, and my wonderful writers group all contributed to my inspiration for Raven’s Blood.

10)  What else about the book might pique the reader’s interest?

How about the back cover copy?

For nineteen years, Avelynn, the beautiful and secretly pagan daughter of the Ealdorman of Somerset, has lived in an environment of love, acceptance, and equality. It is the year 869, and Somerset, England has flourished under twenty years of peace. But with the whispers of war threatening their security, Avelynn’s father makes an uncompromising decision that changes her life forever.

Forced into a betrothal with Demas, a man who only covets her wealth and status, Avelynn’s perception of independence is shattered. With marriage looming, she turns to her faith, searching for answers in an ancient ritual along the coast, only to find Erik The Blood-Axe and sixty Viking berserkers.

In a year of uncertainty that sees Avelynn discover hidden powers, stumble into a passionate love affair with Erik, and lead men into battle, Avelynn must walk a dangerous line as her deceptions mount and Demas’ tactics to possess her become more desperate and increasingly brutal.

Within the political turmoil of Alfred the Great’s England, Avelynn and Erik are caught in the throes of fate as they struggle to find the path back to themselves and onwards to each other.

Now, who wouldn’t want to read that? 🙂

In gratitude,

Marissa xo

Now, onto two exciting writers who will perform this interview. I am tagging Regina Glei, a brilliant fantasy and science fiction writer. You can learn all about her latest project here: http://www.juka-productions.com/newblog/ and Harrison Wheeler artist, author, and illustrator extraordinaire. You can find all about Harrison and his latest book Jester’s Incognito here: http://www.harrisonwheeler.ca/index.html

Tag! You’re it!