Tag Archives: personal growth

Save Me

Save Me – A Poem by Marissa Campbell

I am pitched through the sands of time.

My throat is parched, my skin chapped.

I am buffeted on all sides by decisions I have made.

The desert molds me.

My ego is broken.

I dissolve bit by bit until my soul is ready.

I fall helpless and prostrate at God’s feet.

Save Me

I can’t do this by myself.

I feel alone and deserted.

I’ve been abandoned.

Save Me

I give myself to it.

I let myself fall.

I fall back into space.

I fall into the sky.

Something catches me.

I am floating, buoyant.

Space and time cease to exist.

There is only eternity,

It cradles me.

It envelops me.

Save me

I am safe.

I am loved.

I am here.

I always have been.


Written 2009

In gratitude,
