I am hollow: bereft.
I feel the blackness coalesce.
Where am I?
Who am I?
This is not where I’m meant to be.
This isn’t the path chosen for me.
It’s all wrong.
I’m all wrong.
I can’t find my way out.
I can’t climb, I don’t shout.
Why bother.
I’m so tired.
Why does this circle entwine?
Why does this box confine?
My heart aches.
My head aches.
Round and round, I blindly flail.
My urgency is to succeed, yet my pattern is fail.
I can’t do this anymore.
I can’t be this anymore.
Yet I can’t just make it go away.
I must face this bleakness; I choose to stay.
Give me strength.
Give me peace.
Give me hope.
Let me be.
This was written in 2006.
In gratitude,