Tag Archives: hair colour


As part of my new risk taking adventure … I set up an appointment to colour my hair. I am very partial to my long hair, so cutting it was not an option, but I thought perhaps I could colour it, change in baby steps. I took a photo—the before photo—and prepared for my trip to the hair salon.

The before picture
The before picture

I talked with the hair stylist, asked about colour choices, and decided on red. I went strawberry blonde about fifteen years ago and it was a blast. Something about having red hair made me bolder, brasher. I liked it. 🙂

But when I considered the arduous journey back to blonde, my feet started to grow colder. Colour doesn’t damage the hair as much as bleach. So, to put the colour on, to go red, wouldn’t destroy my hair, but what if I didn’t like it? What if I grew tired of being a redhead? The trip back to blonde was fraught with dangers.

First, to bleach a whole head of hair wouldn’t be advisable. I would have to take large sections of my hair and highlight them blonde over a series of applications. Once every six weeks. Eventually, most of my head would be blonde, the remainder of the red would have faded considerably. The problem is of course, they cannot match my natural colour. They could get close, but it wouldn’t be the same. Plus all the bleaching would seriously damage and dry out the ends … leaving me the possibility of having to cut much of the ‘dead ends’ off. This could result in a serious trim, and like I mentioned, I definitely didn’t want to cut my hair.

That said, the honest and easiest approach was to cancel my hair appointment and keep things just the way they are. With me still blonde. 🙂

My next attempt at risk taking will be to try dirt biking … as in on a motorcycle … on a dirt trail …

In gratitude,

Marissa xo